8. Test Automation

This session introduces a simple tool for automating the QA test of your brain.

The Problem

Our Virtual English Tutor requires deep conversations, which are implemented with contextual cells in BrainShop. You can create conversations of virtually any depth by creating as many contextual cells as you want.

That pretty good but as the conversation goes deep and deep, you will find you need allocate more and more time for testing the cells...

The Solution

To make you brain job productive, BrainShop delivers a QA automation tool that icon looks like below.

When you have created a group of contextual cells,

  1. Find out the entry cell in the Cells view.
  2. Look for Test icon in the last column
  3. Click it.

BrainShop will simulate a user interacting with your brain. You may then review the chat logs to see if it works as expected.


  • Test feature works with any cells but it's especially helpful when you work with contextual cells.
  • If you want to get a sequence of cells tested in a single round, use <set-context/> to define the contexts explicitly.
  • BrainShop may give you warning message but you shouldn't rely on that for QA. Sometimes there are no warning messages but the brain might not work as you expect.